MINI Hiaku
With the Haiku form, even a knucklehead can write poetry.
Original haiku poetry on MINI Cooper themes, by Robert C. Womack
05/09/06 On hearing the reports of the fourth annual MINIs on the Dragon.
Peace, rent by a swish
Leaves swirl through the morning air
A passing Cooper
Blue sky in a frame
I find a new perspective
Sunroof at stoplight
Banked curves call
Gentle folds of the land
Why drive a straight line?
A pedestrian
His glance is drawn down the road
The Cooper passes
Soothing stress relief
A lunchtime of adventure
Afternoon joyride
The wind in my hair
The whining supercharger
Problems behind me
Call of the highway
Whisper’d through the steering wheel
One with the tarmac
Missing vibrations
I chafe at my workday desk
My MINI is still
I ask of it much
My MINI answers gladly
I possess the road
The ricer revs up
His pretty girlfriend winces
She longs for my car
No room in the back
No place for my coffee cup
It IS a Cooper
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