Our dear studio cat, Oreo, passed away ten years ago but we had a pair of loving Labrador retrievers, Boo! and Zoe', to keep us busy. It has been six months since the last of the pair died and my lovely wife was beginning to itch for a new pet. We heard that there was a litter of kittens with a couple of males available across town. So, my son's family, my wife, and I all went out to the cat family's home to meet the kittens. We were told they were eight weeks old but they turned out to be closer to five, so this is almost a rescue. Each family had planned to bring home one male kitten, but my wife and daughter-in-law each fell in love with a female kitten as well. Voile'! That's two cats per family. We are getting used to razor sharp teeth and claws and little kittens zipping around the house, once again.