Lessons From the Handle of the Lawnmower

Mowing the lawn affords a person an abundance of time to think while he is simultaneously cut off from the world around him by the sound of the mower and perhaps the presence of earplugs, and is unburdened with outside distraction or even any intellectual challenge arising from the task. Having, of late, involuntarily indulged in this activity, I give you a syllogism and meditation, to wit,
Lessons from the Handle of the Lawnmower:
1. In order for a man to discover himself in the predicament of "having to mow his yard," he must first possess a yard, with all the blessings and privileges appertaining thereunto.
2. In order for a man to mow his own yard in the modern style, he must first possess that marvel of over a century's worth of research and development, the power mower.
3. In order for a man to mow his own lawn, he must first possess adequate health to accomplish the task.*
It must be concluded that a multitude of prevenient blessings, often overlooked, attach themselves to the chore of mowing one's own yard. It is still a chore, but perhaps the harshness and toil of the chore can be mitigated by meditating on and reveling in the blessings from which the chore arises.
* I can vouch for this truth, having spent three years medically unable to mow my own yard and being reduced to watching someone else do it.