Some Pics From My Musical History

Good friend Bob Haymes (right) and myself (left), 1978
with "New American Standard"

With 50s group, "Diamond Dan and the Cut Gems", 1978

A typical scene from the period, with my LP in a stairwell, 1979.
I think that was the only time I played with that belt on, though.

With Diamond Dan, 1978. Note lipstick on cheek!

A New Years Eve Party, December, 2002

At my son's wedding rehearsal, August 22, 2003

At a Taylor Guitar Forum gathering, February, 2003

At MonroeStock IV, 2004, with my lovely wife, Ruth, and friend Lisa

Attending a sonic convergence from home, Spring 2005.

Relaxing during a day of lap steel overdubs at the studio, November 2010.

Electric guitar overdubs, 2016.

Acoustic guitar overdubs, July 2022.

Electric guitar overdubs, January 2024.