Some Pics From My Engineering History

In the studio with Ken Jacobs, from a newspaper article, 1980.
Synclavier II serial #0001 is by his right hip.
Lexicon 224 and Primetime serial numbers 0001 and 0001 are to his left.

Recording classical music at UT, 1981.
Look for the Ampex AG300 over my shoulder.

At the Neve 8058 in 1982.
Note the Urei parametrics, Lexicon 224 remote, and Ampex ATR 102.
Here is our other 8058 today at a dealer:

This particular console was a part of what lured me to my first job!

At the Neve 8024 in 1984
Parts of the console were sold before it could even leave the building.
Over my shoulder is a second-generation EECO synchronizer and an ATR-102.
Note three Ampex ATR-102 RTR remotes, BVU-800 VTR remote, and Ampex MM1200 24 track remote.
Here is the same console today in another studio:

It lives in a Texas studio today.

Me on the Neve 8024 in the middle of a session in 1991. Ah, period glasses!

Bio shot for a magazine article, seated at our brand new SSL 4040E/G, 1996

Video frame from PPS-1, 2003, at the end of a long day of sessions.
By this time, console has been upgraded to a 4048E/G. It now lives in Canada.
Note Fairlight workstation and Sony APR-24 Remote.

2009 - Mixing and multi-track recording a live concert on the Neve Libra Live II for later 5.1 surround mix.
Here I'm preparing to switch the fader row from "Volume" to "All Aux" mode to adjust the reverb send
on the vocals. Note the DK MSD600M "JellyFish" Surround meter between console and monitors.
This console now lives with a friend in New Jersey.

Overdubs at Christmastime in 2015

End of day and exhausted in 2016

Commuting my work home during the COVID pandemic.

The other side of my work.