The Musician's Room: What's New in the Studio?

12/19/2017 Once again the good folks at RSPE Solutions have come through with a great Christmas graphic and I'm passing it along to you!

12/13/2017 Vacations sure can be hard on the old guitar saving account! On my last vacation I made a trip out to a local guitar store and didn't come home alone. Find out what followed me home, HERE.

10/31/2017 Happy Halloween! Have you ever had a pedal itch that really needed to be scratched? I had one like that and finally got around to trying out the BK Butler Tube Driver. You can see what I thought of the Driver, HERE.
10/09/2017 I've posted a review of David Gilmour's Live at Pompeii mentioned directly below, and you can find it right HERE.

09/30/2017 In rotation: David Gilmour's exciting new Live at Pompeii BluRay and CD set. The spectacle is back!

09/14/2017 In rotation: Gregg Allman's excellent, posthumously-released Southern Blood. The album serves as a profound goodbye from a great artist.

09/08/2017 I've chronicled the rather interesting techniques I used to record a classic rock combo song from the ground up, soup to nuts, while playing all the instruments solo. You can read all about it, HERE.

08/26/2017 The new Lindsey Buckingham/Christine McVie album is in rotation for pop sensibility.

08/18/2017 A while back I posted a review of the Taylor K4 preamp/EQ. For years the owner's manual was only available as a printed leaflet from Taylor but they finally made a .PDF version available. A friend sent it to me and I've added access to it on the K4 review page, HERE.

08/16/2017 It was bass day at the studio today. While doing a "song fix" I overdubbed bass, guitar, and organ to make a song work for a client.

08/11/2017 Someone on one of the Internet forums I frequent asked for some photos of the studio I work in. I've built a photo essay, HERE.

07/17/2017 After a series of sessions, too many instruments had accumulated at the studio so it was time for a clean-up. This bunch basically represents the "overdub all-stars," minus the Telecaster.

07/03/2017 I got my hands on a 2016 Limited Edition Gibson SG Standard '61 Reissue about a month ago. To see how it turned out, wander over HERE.

05/30/2017 We've all felt it: "Red Light Fever." I've put together some thoughts on overcoming this irritating phenomenon and you can find them, HERE.

05/28/2017 Goodbye to Gregory Lenoir Allman, considered by many one of the finest blues singers ever.

04/24/2017 As adults, we can sometimes let our childhood limitations hold us back. But sometimes the result is a wonderful chance to revisit an old memory and rekindle an old cherished acquaintance... especially in guitar music. This recently happened to me. Find out what I stumbled across, HERE.

03/15/2017 During an attack of nostalgia for an album by America's premier pop vocalist of the '70s, I came across a great illustration of the concept of musical shelf-lives. You can read more about my experience, HERE.

03/10/2017 Good news for diabetics!!! That remarkable nonpareil of the morning condiment world, Waffle House Sugar Free Syrup, is once again available on the open market! You can find out more, HERE.

02/23/2017 Today I was able to compare another mic, a 1950s Neumann U47, to the MXL Revelation that was reviewed in the previous post. You can see and hear the results,

02/21/2017 I've experienced a Revelation and encountered a new mic that really opened my mind to moderately-priced large diaphragm condensers. You can see my review of the mic, including sound files,
02/09/2017 I've long needed quick access to my electric guitar for those little five-or-ten minute windows of time we get during the day. It eventually led me to lash up an amp rig that can give me my primary sounds at a decent level and in the time it takes me to unbox a guitar and get going. You can read more about that and perhaps get some inspiration to build you own "Five-Minute Rig," HERE.

01/24/2017 January wet and cold tip: dry socks by hanging in front of power amps with fan-forced cooling. It's really quite toasty in front of them.

01/16/2017 I've brought back an ode to an analog tape deck I once owned, HERE.

01/13/2017 Finishing up a mix of a featurette with Caleb Kinchlow.

01/05/2017 The resonator cone that was previously a mere casualty has now become fascinating steampunk art at the studio and hangs near my mix position.
01/03/2017 Surprise!!! I got a text from the dealer saying the Gretsch guitar was ready the same day I posted the update below so I hustled down to pick it up. Check out the results, HERE.
01/03/2017 By your leave I'm going to bring forward a post from 12/28/2016 that is still ongoing: I've got an update to the Gretsch G9202 Honey Dipper Special review involving a casualty. You can read the update at the bottom of the original review, HERE.

01/01/2017 As Eddie Murphy said, "Merry New Year! Ah, hah-hah-hah-hah-hah!!!
In order to expedite loading of the news page, it has been broken up into multiple pages. Previous news posts can be accessed HERE.