The Musician's Room: What's New in the Studio?

12/21/2024 The lights are off in the studio and I've gone home for Christmas with my little family. In the above picture, studio cat Oscar says, "Merry Christmas!!!" I join him in wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!!!

11/05/2024 An old guitar friend has come back to me once again, under the worst possible circumstances, triggering the question, "Whose guitar is it today?" More, HERE.

10/26/2024 I came across another article I never posted and thought you might enjoy it. It is the story of how I brought a session to a grinding, extended halt. You can find it HERE.

09/15/2024 I was digging around and found a review I'd never posted, a review of a product called "Cable Cuffs." You can now find it, HERE.

08/31/2024 Rest in Peace, Ian Robert Womack, November 4, 1983 - August 18, 2024. Loving son, father, husband, renaissance man.

07/06/2024 Look! In the studio! It's a bird! It's a plane! Wait... What is that thing? Actually, it's a harmonium. A harmonium is a wonderful mechanical keyboard accompaniment instrument. I recently hooked up with Bhava Harmoiums and purchased one of their Studio Limited Edition Harmoniums. You can find all about out how harmoniums work, get a bit of history, and find a review of this one, HERE.

Courtesy Sound on Sound
07/25/2024 I recently completed an eight-hour session where we recorded parts for five songs. You can read about that, HERE.

06/22/2024 Just delivered to the studio: a Bhava Studio Limited Edition Harmonium. I had spent over a year researching this before throwing down the pesos. Once I get some more time with it there will be a review forthcoming. Thanks to my wife for making this possible.

04/25/2024 Gather 'round kiddies and I'll tell you the story of the church elder and the "Better Than Sex Cake," HERE.

04/18/2024 Rest in peace, Forrest Richard Betts (1943-2024).

04/15/2024 A little bit o' England has landed here in the studio. A month ago I recieved a Marshall Origin 20 amp that I had ordered. We've had a month to get past the honeymoon phase and I've been busy during that time trying out the amp in various applications and with seeveral guitars and various other equipment. You can find my review over HERE.

04/05/2024 I did scoring and sound design to create the open for a new show today. Got a chance to put the Behringer Poly D synth to use with great results!!!

03/19/2024 What is new in the studio, indeed. Oscar the studio cat knows.

03/01/2024 After a break for health issues I've posted a new article about my experiences with the Catlinbread Belle Epoch Deluxe, an Echoplex EP-3 simulation. You can find my meditation over HERE.

01/01/2024 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best wishes for a great 2024!!! We've got a few new things happening in the studio so perhaps we'll see a couple of articles soon!!!
In order to expedite loading of the news page it has been broken up into multiple, yearly pages. Previous news posts can be accessed HERE.