The Musician's Room: What's New?

Merry Christmas from the Womacks!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the studio!

11/24/2012 What happens when slo-mo meets Baroque? Find out in the article, Of John and John-Frank .

11/21/12 A couple of new items today: First, I tracked down a small vintage electric guitar amp for recording and thought you might like to hear about it. Read about it HERE . Second, articles like that need a place to live on the site so I've created a new menu called VINTAGE GOODIES & PAWN SHOP PRIZES . The collection is a little slim, but it'll grow.

R.I.P. Oreo, studio cat, companion, friend

10/19/12 I was working on a reply to a studio question in a forum and snapped the above pic of a Neumann TLM-170 mic with my iPhone. There's no real relevance but I thought it was kind of cool looking!

10/10/12 The Soundseat is back! My great friend JR Baker is building the Soundseat again! There really is a difference in musician's seats and, IMHO, the Soundseat is the best! I can spend long recording sessions in comfort without back strain on my Soundseat. Each one is hand-built and there are many options available as well as custom embroidery. JR's customer service is extraordinary - he believes in one-on-one consultation as together you design your custom seat. You can read my review of the Soundseat, HERE .

09/04/2012 I've been sniffing around the bass section of the guitar stores lately because some upcoming recordings are going to need a bass. You can see what I found HERE .

08/16/2012 I updated my review of Joe Walsh's Analog Man album with a quickie review and set list from Joe's concert at the Wolf Trap, HERE .

08/16/2012 I just got back from Joe Walsh's concert at the Wolftrap National Park for the Performing Arts. Joe put on a great concert at a great venue!

07/17/2012 There is a new update over on my NEW MINI SITE . Stroll on over there if you haven't before, and feel free to check out my Motoring Journal and some of the other topics.

07/06/2012 We've added a sidecar rack to the control room to hold our "money channel" preamps. It fits right under the elbow pad on the console when not in use and allows the preamps to be right at hand during tracking. Marvelous! That's a pair of Avalon 737s and a Neve Portico 5015 in the rack.

06/18/2012 I had something of an epiphany at IHOP. Read about it HERE .

06/11/2012 Joe Walsh's new album is out and I've reviewed it on the site. You can find that review HERE .


After long and careful consideration, today I have awarded my magnanimous "Worst Guitar Face" award to Joe Walsh for this still from his performance of "Walk Away" from Eric Clapton's Crossroads 2004 DVD. For more on Guitar Face, go to THE GUITAR FACE SITE .

05/18/2012 I'm looking forward to the new Joe Walsh album, Analog Man, coming June 5th. More, and previews, at JOE'S SITE .

05/15/2012 I've found the very best sugar-free maple syrup in the world. No, really, I have. To follow my adventures searching for it and find out where to order some for yourself, go HERE .

04/20/2012 Sometimes we musicians can let our materialistic and competitive sides get out of hand and exclude or marginalize others around us. I recently wrote of some pertinent experiences in my life in a thread on an Internet forum and have brought them over HERE for the home crowd.

04/07/2012 Happy Easter!!! At the beginning of my career as a recording engineer, I had an interesting experience that really altered my way of thinking regarding mic choices. You can read about that life lesson HERE .

03/24/2012 With all the choices and options available, it can be really hard to choose your first electric guitar. I've put together an article that can help you sort through the weeds and find your way to a guitar that works for you. You can read it HERE

03/01/2012 HERE is a short, thumbnail review of the Neve Portico 5015 Preamp/Compressor module. We've been evaluating them and have been quite impressed.

02/20/2012 I recently broke my long-standing rule about buying a guitar long distance, and ended up with an instrument that needed some finish rejuvenation. Find out how I did it, HERE.

02/02/2012 I've been thinking about the whole digital media thing, and in specific the purely digital media delivery concept. It has made me reconsider the whole nature of art and media. You can ponder all of this along with me, HERE.

01/12/2012 I've been enjoying my Snark tuners lately. They do the job well and are so inexpensive I don't have to worry about losing or damaging them.

01/12/2012 In order to handle the FTP duties for the site on the iPad, I've been experimenting with an app called FTP on The Go. It contains editors and viewers as well as the FTP mechanism. It has worked out pretty well so I'm using it for my mobile site updates. Fingers crossed.

In order to expedite loading of the news page, it has been broken up into multiple pages. Previous news posts can be accessed HERE.
