The Musician's Room: What's New in the Studio?

12/24/2018 The folks at RSPE Solutions came through with another great animated Christmas graphic!!! Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas 2010 with eighteen inches of snow at the Musician's Room International Hacienda.
12/12/2018 The lights are out at the studio and I've repaired to home for a bit of a midwinter rest. I'm waiting for the folks at RSPE Solutions to come through with the years animated Christmas graphic, but until then, Merry Christmas and a peaceful holiday season to all!!!
11/21/2018 We are closing on Thanksgiving, and I think it would be a good time to stop and think about the point of the whole exercise. You can read my meditation on Thanksgiving, HERE.

11/12/2018 As mentioned below, my Marshall combo stopping working and took a trip to the shop. I've walked through that process and a cosmetic repair I performed on its cabinet, HERE.

11/11/2018 It's Veteran's Day. We Remember. Sgt. Henry Archer (Harry) Womack, RCAF, 1919-1941, Seaman 1st Class James D. Womack, Sr., USN, 1926-2015

11/09/2018 After a few days in the shop my little Marshall JTM612 is back home. After twenty-five years of flawless service the amp burned up an EL-34 power tube, a resistor, and a fuse. This is my main practice amp and has also been featured on several recordings. I'm glad to have it back.
10/28/2018 Has it ever occurred to you that progress in your technique can be an aggravation? I've found that it can be in recording. You can read about it, HERE.

09/18/2018 Another circle is closed. I've tracked down the final one of the three Neve consoles I spent hours mixing on during the '80s. This Neve 8058 lives in New York State in an upscale destination studio. Ah, memories. I saw this console on my first day in the biz in 1980.

09/07/2018 New at the studio!

08/23/2018 Rest In Peace Ed King, former guitarist of Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Strawberry Alarm Clock, 1949-2018. You've heard his work.

08/09/2018 New in the control room: A KRK 12S2, 12" powered Subwoofer to compliment the JBL LSR monitors.

07/24/2018 Have you wondered what Gibson has been up to with their U.S.A. Les Paul lines? You can find out what I learned about the Les Paul Standard and Traditional models in my new review of the 2018 Gibson Les Paul Standard, HERE.

07/10/2018 Something new in the studio... a 2018 Gibson Les Paul Standard in Heritage Cherry Sunburst. Lovely.

06/18/2018 I've got the JBL monitors hooked up and working and have run an auto-align on them. They are sounding great!!! In other news, my network provider discontinued support for the web hit counter I've been using so I'll be going through the site for the next few days trying to remove the counters on as many pages as don't need them.
06/11/2018 Nine years ago on 03/25/09 I mentioned here that my boss had asked me to audition a set of JBL LSR4328P networking monitor speakers for use our control rooms. He and I were quite impressed with the JBLs and he ordered them and the matching LSR4312SP subwoofer for two of the control rooms. I'd been gently asking for a pair for my room but eventually they were discontinued. Today, lo! and behold, he brought in a near-mint pair for me. Christmas in June! Glory and trumpets! I can't wait to connect them up. We are still looking for a LSR4312SP subwoofer.

05/23/2018 Adventures wth a T-nut in a guitar amp! Over HERE.

05/09/2018 Recording drums for an alt-folk project today.

03/15/2018 Have you ever spent an afternoon under the hood of a classic Echoplex tape echo machine with a shade tree mechanic? Well you can! Just mosey on over HERE !

02/09/2018 "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue." You've heard it used for weddings, but how about a classic amp? More, HERE.

Images Courtesy Gibson
01/20/2018 I ran across a tool that ought to be in every guitarist's tool kit: Jack the Gripper, from Frank Ford, is great for dealing with loose 1/4" jacks. More, HERE.

01/20/2018 In response to a question on a forum I've posted a companion piece to an article I wrote last Fall. This piece describes the process behind composing a storytelling song after I was inspired by an old Dan Forgelberg album. You can find that article, HERE
01/12/2018 I haven't forogtten you, I've just been busy on a film and another project, all at once. Meanwhile, here's a cool quote:
"Science without doubt isn't science at all." - Mike Rowe, Facebook, January 11, 2018

01/01/2018 As Eddie Murphy said in Trading Places, "Merry New Year! Ah, hah-hah-hah-hah-hah!!!" Incidentally, I worked with the fellow on the left side of the pic, actor Paul Geason (RIP), on a soap opera. Here's wishing all of you a prosperous and peaceful New Year! Thanks to T. Womack for the animated GIF. It is much better than last year's still.
In order to expedite loading of the news page, it has been broken up into multiple pages. Previous news posts can be accessed HERE.